Lease Purchase and G.U.T.S.™ Sales and SuccessTraining with 1 on 1 Mentoring
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
Next Lease Purchase Speaking gig
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lease Purchase Speaking gig tonight in Irvine, California
Free CD set
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lease Purchase Marketing brings Success
Note: I am sitting in the Las Vegas airport near the slots and lady luck has shined upon me; I found a scarce electrical outlet to run the ol Mac Pro powerbook.
Spoke last night to the Prosper Real Estate Club and I was approached by one of the members about a deal on a residential home in Vegas. To make a long story short this deal was negotiated and will be Arbitraged (quick wholesale assignment) by this evening to an investor in my database. This one deal will be equal to a years salary for the average American.
Conclusion: Market yourself as a Lease Purchase expert and stop being a secret.
Be Well
Friday, August 07, 2009
Lease Purchase Speaking Gigs
Monday, May 04, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Johnny t. Reed and CArlton Sheets in Sunday NYT
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
The Lease Purchase Hustle
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Free Lease Purchase Disks with contracts
Just found 20 Lease Purchase data Disks with contracts and manual from an older lease purchase promotion while doing some spring cleaning. (to the first 20 callers only !)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Learning Annex wants The New Lease Purchase Bible©
Thursday, March 12, 2009
New Lease Purchase Package
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Lease Purchase Bible Speaking tour in Hawaii and San Diego

The imminent release of The New 2009 Lease Purchase Bible © is keeping me pretty busy.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
Lease Purchase deals while eating burgers in San Diego
Wow, I am a kid loose with $50.00 bucks in my pocket hanging around a candy store. Having fun being back in San Diego. I Decided to go to one of my favorite burger joints the new “In and Out Burger” (San Diego California haute Burger Cuisine) restaurant here in EastLake. I love this place for many reasons but basically its clean and they employ the Kiss Method. The make burgers with fresh onions-tomatoes and lettuce and homemade fries fast (california health food-no tofu allowed). This place always has a line inside and out. Yea, I was hungry again when I wrote this. Trouble with running everyday is you are always fanished.
Now on to business; Just finished a Lease Option Purchase deal here in San Diego on a beautiful home with an challenged owner ;-) . The realtors and guru investors drove him crazy. All talk-no money-solutions or ACTION.
I told him we could move his home with a solid buyer in 72 hours ala my GUTS™ Sales and marketing method. This home had awesome TLC and pride of ownership. He was willing to be flexible on the terms so we gave him a fair price on a option offer. MY objective as always is to
Work Smart
Work Fast
Profit up front
Minimum investment and liability
No adversarial real estate
Act like a consultant instead of (fill in the blank)
I gave him a contract and a check for $100.00 to tie up the home and began my marketing campaign.
We started by calling our existing database and by the 16th call the contract and the home were sold. It was a great deal for either a new homeowner or a starting investor so we used the Arbitrage Lease Purchase Assignment Strategy. We sell the contract and even provide the financing.
Much as I love “In and Out Burger” tonight Lovely CJ and I are going to Ruth Chris Steakhouse tonight . Now should I get a new Lexus for the drive in window at In and Out Burger because this deal just paid for it ?

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Mentor actually answer his phone (film at 11)
Hello My name is Claude Diamond J.D. and I teach Success and wealth building the old fashioned way, One on One only ! Why ? Because it works and I am crazy about accountability instead of the nonsense we see out there.
Just google my name for more information about me or go to
I am the published author of "The Mentor, A Story of Success"© and 6 other business books on my Guts Sales and Success System and Creative Lease Purchase real estate.
My name "Claude Diamond" is Federally and Internationally Trademarked (19981092590) , ask me why when we speak ?
I work one on one with select individuals who want to learn my methods of success. I Have clients all over the world but San Diego is my home. I work with my Mentee's and Licensee's who are tired of the following:
1. Guru's who over promise and under deliver and will not provide references.
2. Business Coaches who teach success but drive Yugo's and drink cheap wine.
3. Seminars and workshops that just try to sell you the next seminar and workshop.
4. No accountability and honesty.
5. Heck they won't even answer their own phone, in fact they hide their contact information.
6. Offer no guarantees in writing.
I will be returning after a long business trip to my home on January 19th. Do some homework on me and if you are hungry and ready to make a difference then lets talk. Here is my cell phone number, I answer my own phone (619) 421 4121. (told you I was crazy:-) Why not try right now.
Oh yes, the free video Success library I promised; just go to:
Make 2009 a year of prosperity-happiness and success with the Right Mentor
Claude Diamond J.D.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
I'm way too sexy for Lease option Purchase real estate
This is a very weird business! On one hand you can get rich doing deals, creating cash flow, assigning contracts, selling information, but on the other hand it can be a frustrating
experience for many of you. What does it really take to make this business unbelievably profitable, consistent and a lotta fun?
Here is a list of my Favorite and most Important ways to make it in this wonderful Lease Purchase and option business!
You had better LOVE Real Estate so much that your friends will think you"re boring! Yes, LOVE IT! !
You"ve got to have passion about this business. You have to love it more than golf, skiing, fresh buttered movie popcorn, a Clint Eastwood film festival,a frozen strawberry margarita with a side plate of Nachos and a California "In and Out" Burger with fries. Whew, that a lot of passion !
2. You have to go to make money everyday! ! It"s not enough to act busy by making phone calls and driving around looking at homes. If you are in this business then shoot for the stars and hope you hit the moon. If making money offends you then go back to
Corporate America, flip burgers or work for a cure for the Slurpy headache. (You know when you eat the 7-11 stuff too fast.)
NOW HEAR THIS! ! Creative Real Estate is all about you MAKING MONEY .
Note: I remember one couple at a real estate club where I was speaking explain that they
were in creative real estate, not for the money, but because they wanted to help people!
My Reply: No offense, but that is one of the sickest things I have ever heard :-)! !
Seriously you can"t help anyone unless you take care of your own financial affairs and your family's security first. Once that is accomplished, then you can be as altruistic as your heart desires. You can even start a legal fund and hold vigils for Mr. Bernie Madoff if you like ;-).
3. Work Smart! Place a value on your time and do the smart things that make the deals happen, not the unproductive busy work that so many are fond of. Stop wasting time. Be
proactive. Go out there, make offers, run ads, design a blog, pick up the phone and make 20 GUTS sales calls a day and create a deal. Make it happen today!
4. Have a Strategic Marketing plan that makes the phone ring every day and keeps you so busy you forget to have lunch. Learn the art of direct productive marketing and make sales fun! (See #5.)
5. Have some Courage or a Guts Sales Success Method! Qualify your prospects in three minutes or fire them fast. Stay in control of the sales process and use an organized system of sales. Let the prospect come to a natural conclusion to give want to purchase Have too many prospects, properties and deals. Make sales FUN and in your CONTROL.
6. You have to be a Problem Solver. ! People will literally beat down your doors to do deals if they feel that you have a way to solve their problems! Believe me, real estate has
more problems than General Motors© right now.
Example: Mr. Prospect, I don"t know if
this is important to you, but would you like to increase your profit on the sale of your home,lower your marketing costs, eliminate tenants & toilets and move your home in the next 30 days or less?
7. Forget about trying to be a bottom feeder and act like a professional. Yes, I know what they tell you at the seminars,“find the motivated-desperate and dumb seller” but why not take a philosophy of being non-adversarial ? Act like a consultant and watch the business and referrals come to you .
8. Most real estate seminars are a waste of YOUR time and money! Sorry, sure they are fun and offer plenty of short term motivation and occasionally a few good ideas, but hearing the same ten guys who schlock their books and CD sets or going on useless bus rides isn"t going to get you to the bank. Believe me they would be out doing their own deals if what they are schlocking was true.
9. Stop working for free all the time and place a value on your time, knowledge and energy.
Learn from a Millionaire Success Mentor and Coach and watch the results in the first 30 days. Like the old saying goes, “Don’t reinvent the wheel, when you can use someone else’s wagon!” Emulate success from a winner. Find some with credibility who will speak with you. Has their own financial success and the character and veracity to be accountable to you .
11. Attitude -Walk around like you have a million dollars in your pocket. (Even if you can"t buy a burger!) . Sometimes you got to fake it before you make it. Perception is realty in American culture.
12. HAVE FUN :-) It doesn"t matter how much money you make (that one hurt), if you don"t have a ball doing it. Live, Laugh and Enjoy your Business. It"s part of life, not just an
end to a means.
Be Well and enjoy your life BUT get the money out of the way first.
970 726 7979
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Thursday, January 01, 2009
A New Lease Purchase on Life
Have any questions give us a call 970 726 7979
Success in all your endeavors