Lease Purchase and G.U.T.S.™ Sales and SuccessTraining with 1 on 1 Mentoring
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Making Money Before Christmas
Claude Diamond Said this Was the Ugliest House He Ever Saw!!!
I Love It! This is a Beautiful House!!
Hey, don’t laugh! I did this deal 18 days before Christmas.
I bought this ~1380sf house in Birmingham, Alabama as an REO (Bank Owned Property) from CitiBank at $5,250.00 and quickly sold it to an investor/buyer. The great thing was I bought and sold it - sight unseen with just a bunch of photos from the local Listing Agent and a little research on the internet. I had the listing agent send me photos of both the good and the bad of the property which I used in my advertising. I also had him put a lockbox on the door and a sign in the window. It took a little bit of work to find some good local Contractors and Handyman for some estimates for repairs. My plan was to flip it without doing any repairs but leave it up to the Buyer with some good numbers and references.
The Tax Assessment value was $58,000.00 and it needed about $10-15K in repairs.
I sold it for $22,000.00 with $5,000.00 down and created a note for monthly payments of $161.00 for 15 years. Notice the down payment I received was just shy of what I paid for the property! But what I loved about this deal is I left money on the table for my Buyer to be able to rent-out or sell outright at a profit as well….a Win-Win! A great way to do business.
I also sold it as an assignable deal to the investor with my approval on the new buyer. If a Buyer defaults in the future, I will simply take the house back and start over and sell it again with a nice size down payment…after it has been fixed up! And over the years it will appreciate in value from the low point from when I bought it.
Claude was an awesome mentor to me on this property and helped me through some of the “ins and outs”. He especially helped me keep what I call a “balanced focus”. A good mentor/coach is so important, even for the more experienced investors. I would be more than willing to help others with mentoring as well.
It is ugly, but the little deals add up and are great for anyone. The deals are everywhere right now, and you can easily make it a “Win-Win” for both you and the Buyer which is so important.
Some last words…don’t hesitate! The deals are plentiful right now, just go out and do it, you will be well rewarded! Don’t let anything get in the way of your dream.
Chuck Lidtka
Renton, WA
“Sprint to the End!”
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Southwest flight from Hell complaint letter
The flight from Hell-My letter to Southwest Airlines
Hi Southwest, First let me say "I love Southwest" and fly no other airlines if possible for all business and personal travel. Everything about your operation is about efficiency,value and safety. It therefore grieves me to send a complaint (I never do) but I had to this time.
My recent flight from RDU to DIA on 11/27/2010 flight 1340 had a couple of parents with 3 little ones. They sat in approx rows 4 and 5 on the right hand side facing the front.They took up 6 seats. I am sure the flight attendants will remember this abusive family.
I am a father of 2 kids and understand how children can get upset and loud on flights but this was the flight from Hell for all concerned.
This family was noisy before the flight and while getting on the flight. They had or were not willing to control the Constant Screaming of their 3 small children. The 3 hour flight was uncomfortable to say the least. I am not even sure why they were allowed to board ?
The passengers were all very polite and tolerant (as were the attendants) but I wonder why the flight attendants did not consider the health,safety and well being of the rest of the plane. This was beyond any incident I can personally ever recall. They did ask if there was anything they could do for the parents but the 3 hours of high and unreasonable constant decibels continued. NO FURTHER ACTIONS WERE TAKEN BY THE CREW FOR THE ENTIRE FLIGHT. I would hope that a suggestion would be made to this crew to take a more assertive position and consider what is in the best interest of the passengers or at least a change in Southwest policy for passengers of this nature. Attendants should instruct passengers with annoying and disruptive children to not board the plane until they can control the situation for the best interest of everyone else. BTW: The behavior of this family even continued upon the exit of the plane and within the terminal. I suggest that you inform the crew of this letter; I am positive they will remember this family. Please take this missive as constructive criticism and not a condemnation of your excellent airline.
I remain,Claude Diamond J.D.
Hi Southwest, First let me say "I love Southwest" and fly no other airlines if possible for all business and personal travel. Everything about your operation is about efficiency,value and safety. It therefore grieves me to send a complaint (I never do) but I had to this time.
My recent flight from RDU to DIA on 11/27/2010 flight 1340 had a couple of parents with 3 little ones. They sat in approx rows 4 and 5 on the right hand side facing the front.They took up 6 seats. I am sure the flight attendants will remember this abusive family.
I am a father of 2 kids and understand how children can get upset and loud on flights but this was the flight from Hell for all concerned.
This family was noisy before the flight and while getting on the flight. They had or were not willing to control the Constant Screaming of their 3 small children. The 3 hour flight was uncomfortable to say the least. I am not even sure why they were allowed to board ?
The passengers were all very polite and tolerant (as were the attendants) but I wonder why the flight attendants did not consider the health,safety and well being of the rest of the plane. This was beyond any incident I can personally ever recall. They did ask if there was anything they could do for the parents but the 3 hours of high and unreasonable constant decibels continued. NO FURTHER ACTIONS WERE TAKEN BY THE CREW FOR THE ENTIRE FLIGHT. I would hope that a suggestion would be made to this crew to take a more assertive position and consider what is in the best interest of the passengers or at least a change in Southwest policy for passengers of this nature. Attendants should instruct passengers with annoying and disruptive children to not board the plane until they can control the situation for the best interest of everyone else. BTW: The behavior of this family even continued upon the exit of the plane and within the terminal. I suggest that you inform the crew of this letter; I am positive they will remember this family. Please take this missive as constructive criticism and not a condemnation of your excellent airline.
I remain,Claude Diamond J.D.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Advice from the Cab Driver on Mortgage lending
On my way to the airport I had a most interesting conversation with the cab driver. He arrived at my house about 20 minutes late. As I loaded my luggage into the car, I was expecting him to apologize for being so late. Instead, he seemed more interested in venting about the changes in the cab industry that have reduced the income of the typical cab driver to between $8-$10 per hour. Apparently, cabs these days are equipped with GPS systems that enable the dispatcher to identify which zone they are in and place them in a queue for the next pick up in that area. This queue is particularly important because most drivers lease the car for the day and pay for their gas which amounts to about $120 (approximately half of what the cabby stands to earn in a 12-15 hour day). So, you can imagine how annoyed they become when another driver steals their customer. How can another driver steal their client if the dispatcher determines who goes where you ask? Well, it seems that people who are particularly anxious for the cab to arrive tend to head outside and wait at the curb. The unsuspecting customers then become the target of other drivers unwilling to play by the rules. The driver who pulls over to the curb after being waived down is supposed to ask whether the customer is waiting for another cab. But, somehow they consistently forget to make this inquiry before loading the bags and turning on their meter. Turns out that this problem has become particularly acute lately. And you'll never guess why? Loan officers being starved to death by the housing crash have turned to driving cabs in overwhelming numbers (at least in the opinion of this driver). "They are everywhere" he complained, "they have no respect for the rules". "A driver can't make a descent living anymore," he continued shaking his head. What he doesn't realize is that his problems are only going to get worse. Big banks (like Bank of America) are shutting down their wholesale departments. In other words, they are no longer accepting loan submissions from mortgage brokers, preferring instead to market to the borrower directly. Now, this isn't the first time they have done this, but when you combine this trend with the overall illiquidity in the market it spells big trouble for mortgage brokers. Brokers can't go in house to the banks because banks aren't hiring for obvious reasons. Since many brokers flooded into the mortgage industry from other industries during the refinance boom of the early 2000s, they do not have they same industry loyalty as one might find in other industries. So what happens to a mercenary when the war is over? In Los Angeles, at least, the answer seems to be... invade the cab industry. |
Monday, October 11, 2010
Saturday, October 09, 2010
The REAL ESTATE SECRET of Lease Purchasing
DON’T EVER BUY.........RENT !!!!!
Such blasphemy! What kind of successful investor would advise anyone to rent instead of becoming an owner?
The answer: a smart one!
What if I showed you a way to profit in real estate without large cash deposits; not having to apply for bank loans, no overhead, no maintenance, no taxes, insurance or home owner fees to pay. You would probably say that that type of investment does not exist or that such an idea is the product of the author’s wild imagination.
Well, it’s time to learn about the best kept secret in real estate: it’s called Lease Purchasing, known also as ‘renting to own’ or ‘leasing with an option’. Anyone can control real estate that generates immediate positive cash flow without having to become a real estate expert or by having to look at hundreds of houses. If you know how to rent, then you can put together all kinds of profitable cash generating transactions with just a telephone.
Lease Purchasing allows you to create small and large deals without going to the bank.
Why Lease Purchase?
Controlling real estate through Lease Purchasing, whether it’s for your own home or as an investment property, is by far the superior method of finance. Lease Purchasing helps to remove the traditional adversarial relationships that exist between buyer and seller and produces greater profits.
In most real estate transactions there is a natural tendency between the buyer and seller to try and beat each other up. One wants a lower price and the other wants a higher one. Not to mention all of the other items that have to be negotiated. Next come all of the difficulties associated with deposits, qualification, appraisals, title companies, lenders, escrows, lawyers, etc., etc. Lease Purchasing eliminates these problems and lets the buyer and seller have a win-win experience and get the deal done.
A Lease Purchase is a process where a rental agreement is combined with a purchase or more specifically, an option contract. Price, length of contract, escrow instructions, rent credit and other pertinent terms are all negotiated in advance. The tenant/buyer has a percentage of his rent credited to the down payment or off the price. In many cases, more money is being applied monthly, than an actual mortgage payment would be to the principle.
All the parties concerned can benefit by doing a Lease Purchase transaction. Let’s examine the advantages for the buyer, seller and investor.
From the Buyer’s Viewpoint:
Generally, this is a renter who can’t purchase a home through conventional means. This buyer does not have a large enough down payment for a bank loan, minor credit problems, a new job, high loan to debt ratio or other reasons that make a traditional purchase of a home impractical (impossible) at this time. The buyer is aware of the advantages of home ownership (tax shelter, appreciation, security, etc.) and is eager for a chance to get involved in a home of his own and get out of the rental rat race. Our buyer can lock in the future purchase price even though ownership may not transfer for a year or more. A percentage of the rent can be credited toward the downpayment or off the price. During the terms of the contract, the tenant/buyer has time to check out the house, neighborhood and to obtain the best financing.
From the Seller’s Perspective: If you are a seller and the market demand is very low for your property, the best way to get your full asking price would be to Lease Purchase your home. Since you are being flexible on your terms you are entitled to get your full asking price and a higher than average or premium rent for your property.
When you find a prospective buyer/tenant you normally receive option consideration. This is a nonrefundable amount, that in many cases, can be several months rent. If and when the buyer wishes to utilize her option, then you will hopefully receive your capital profits when escrow closes. If the buyer, however, allows the option to expire you also win since you can begin the whole process all over again and either renegotiate the contract or find a new tenant. In either case, you receive more option consideration for the same property. If the property sells, then you use some of your profits to reinvest in another house. The potential for profit for the seller is fantastic since a well negotiated deal will always reap profits at every stage of the Lease Purchase.
From the Investor’s Viewpoint: The Lease Purchase has everything an investor needs to make prudent, profitable investments in real estate. Utilizing very small down payments (1-2%), an investor can control properties that normally require 10-30% down without utilizing a lender nor going through the loan application circus. A good deal can generate profits three different ways:
- Cash upfront with option consideration
- Cash monthly (rent)
- Cash at the close (or a first class note)
- Arbitrage Assignment Fee’s
- Hybrids (Sandwiching and assigning)
From The Professionals Viewpoint: Many a professional within real estate such as realtors, lenders, Attorneys, escrow and title people are utilizing Lease Purchasing profitably as an alternative strategy. For many of their clients traditional financial methods for buying and selling are just not practical. The professional who can offer alternative option strategies allows a plethora of profit options for their business in challeging times
Other Lease Purchase strategies involve the assigning or flipping of the optioned property to a third party or just being a consultant for the buyer and seller and retaining a portion of the option consideration.
In summary, controlling properties by renting with an option (Lease Purchasing) is the absolutely best way to be involved in controlling homes and obtaining great cash flow, high profits and minimum risk. Lease Purchasing can be the best way to create quick cash flow for the first time homeowner or the seasoned investor.
Claude Diamond J.D. (yes, I answer my own phone (970) 281-5151
Complimentary Lease Purchase Times Newsletter
Just go to
Friday, October 08, 2010
IS Super Wifi the future of sales
Found this interesting article in the future of Super Wifi
Wally Wang's Apple Farm
“Video Calling”
by Wally Wang
If you want to make a video call on a Macintosh, you can rely on iChat, which requires a free AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), AOL, MobileMe, or ICQ account. With iChat, you can videoconference among multiple people (provided everyone has a fast enough Internet connection). However, with the introduction of FaceTime on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch, it's safe to say that FaceTime will work its way to the Macintosh and eventually replace or become part of iChat.
The FCC recently approved the use of "Super Wi-Fi," ( which will take over the old spectrum that television channels used to have. The two main features of Super Wi-Fi are its fast speed and longer range, essentially putting rural areas within reach of Wi-Fi signals rather than limiting Wi-Fi to a single household.
Consider what might happen if entire cities offered Super Wi-Fi networks. Now you could make a FaceTime video call without going through a cellular phone network at all. What will that do to the cellular phone companies? Unless they rapidly convert to Super Wi-Fi to supplement and eventually replace their cellular network, they'll be disappearing as quickly as Blockbuster Video.
If every place has Super Wi-Fi available, that will be the new cellular network and we'll all be able to use FaceTime-like video calling to do everything our current mobile phones can do and more.
Ordinary audio phone calls might be nice when calling in sick and pretending to be ill, but for many people, video calling will be more fun and convenient (especially since you'll have the option of chatting through video or just through audio), and that will spell the end of audio-only calling as quickly as telephones have replaced Morse code and the telegraph.
After decades of promises from the phone company that video calling would soon arrive (, it may already be here courtesy of technology like FaceTime.
Wally Wang's Apple Farm
“Video Calling”
by Wally Wang
If you want to make a video call on a Macintosh, you can rely on iChat, which requires a free AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), AOL, MobileMe, or ICQ account. With iChat, you can videoconference among multiple people (provided everyone has a fast enough Internet connection). However, with the introduction of FaceTime on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch, it's safe to say that FaceTime will work its way to the Macintosh and eventually replace or become part of iChat.
Consider what might happen if entire cities offered Super Wi-Fi networks. Now you could make a FaceTime video call without going through a cellular phone network at all. What will that do to the cellular phone companies? Unless they rapidly convert to Super Wi-Fi to supplement and eventually replace their cellular network, they'll be disappearing as quickly as Blockbuster Video.
If every place has Super Wi-Fi available, that will be the new cellular network and we'll all be able to use FaceTime-like video calling to do everything our current mobile phones can do and more.
Ordinary audio phone calls might be nice when calling in sick and pretending to be ill, but for many people, video calling will be more fun and convenient (especially since you'll have the option of chatting through video or just through audio), and that will spell the end of audio-only calling as quickly as telephones have replaced Morse code and the telegraph.
After decades of promises from the phone company that video calling would soon arrive (, it may already be here courtesy of technology like FaceTime.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
John reed review article I just read -Claude Diamond review
Just read an interesting article on a consumer advocate webpage (click article to connect) It's all about john t. reed that I thought you might find interesting.
Reed does business in a way I object to and would refrain from utilizing. He attacks everyone (competition) including yours truly and then peddles his own wares. He comes across as tacky, obvious and mean spirited.
quote from article:
"John Reed has gone on to investigate family members of his competition including 74-year-old women and visiting the grave of a guru's father. This is all one his web site including how he states that a guru probably deserved the abuse he received as a child that included being burned with an open flame and says such practices were acceptable in the 60s."
In my brief conversation with reed (many years ago) I found him humorless and at the conclusion felt sorry for him. Heck of a way to make a living by attacking others.
This article on his encounter with Russ whitney is a real eye opener. I can't imagine why anyone would go to such trouble.
Claude Diamond
Free Lease Purchase Times
Reed does business in a way I object to and would refrain from utilizing. He attacks everyone (competition) including yours truly and then peddles his own wares. He comes across as tacky, obvious and mean spirited.
quote from article:
"John Reed has gone on to investigate family members of his competition including 74-year-old women and visiting the grave of a guru's father. This is all one his web site including how he states that a guru probably deserved the abuse he received as a child that included being burned with an open flame and says such practices were acceptable in the 60s."
In my brief conversation with reed (many years ago) I found him humorless and at the conclusion felt sorry for him. Heck of a way to make a living by attacking others.
This article on his encounter with Russ whitney is a real eye opener. I can't imagine why anyone would go to such trouble.
Claude Diamond
Free Lease Purchase Times
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Lease Purchase Times™ complimentary subscription offer

Last chance to obtain a free subscription to the lease purchase times newsletter.
Just call (970)-281-5151 for your free subscription or click on the link below.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
What should be in a Good Lease Purchase Contract
What should be in a Good Lease Purchase Agreement ?
Lease Purchasing is one of the most profitable and practical ways to be in real estate. You don’t need a bank or a pot of gold to get started. There is an absence of Tenant & Toilet problems (if setup correctly)! It’s creative and even fun !
Lease Purchasing can also be a nightmare if you do not have the foresight to have well designed, strategically written contracts.
Recently I was asked by a reader (via our Web site where he could find good generic Lease Purchase contracts. To me that is like asking a neurological surgeon if he can recommend a do it yourself brain surgery kit and combination salad maker!
I advised the reader that there are generic contracts from several sources. One such source is your local real estate agent or office. They have the multi-purpose fill in the many blank type forms.
The question remains, however, are they any good or even WORTH THE PAPER THEY ARE WRITTEN ON ?
My handy Law Dictionary defines Generic as follows: Something not specific or not referring to a specific thing.
Generic contracts are just that generic. They are designed with the one size fits all concept. In reality, they are not designed to protect you or your interest in the particular Lease Purchase transaction with which you are currently involved.
I have collected many of these so called generic Lease Purchase contracts for years. Not only have I gotten contracts from Realtors and stationary stores; others came from the get rich quick, while staying in bed all day, books and seminars. They all have one thing in common. They’re garbage ! They are poorly written and lack the necessary clarity and/or specific verbiage inorder for the contract to be enforceable.
I have designed and utilize six specific contracts for my own Lease Purchase deals. Which one I use is determined by the hat I am currently wearing at the time. Am I the Landlord/Seller, the Tenant/Buyer or the Assignor/Assignee? Will I be Subletting, Assigning, Sandwiching, Pure Optioning or just quick flipping ?
TIP: I always carry a couple copies of my Lease Purchase Contracts in my car’s trunk right next to my earthquake emergency kit* compartment. An investor is always prepared !
Here are a few suggestions for items that should be contained in any Lease Purchase Agreement. Some of these may seem like obvious inclusions. Having been involved in Lease Purchasing for many years now, I can tell you that the obvious is not always so!
1. Identify the principle parties: Who is the Tenant/Buyer and who is the Landlord/Seller?
It might even be a good idea to do business as a corporation.
2. Location of the property: Use the parcel identification number (PIN) and the street address.
There should be no mistake about which property you are dealing with.
3. Date and Signature: Make sure all the owners sign the contract. This includes spouses, partners or anyone who has ownership or an equitable interest in the property.
Big problems can occur with a Lease Purchase if you don’t have all the owners sign. Better yet, check the title, loans, etc.
4. Term: Be specific on the length of the contract.
Strategy Tip: If you are negotiating with the owner make the contract for as long as possible. If you are the owner or are subletting the property, make the contract no longer than one year.
5. Be Specific: All the terms, including Price, Rent Credit, Closing Costs, Option Consideration, Financing and Escrow should be included. No term should be ambiguous. Be specific !
6. Right of Assignment:Be sure that you have the right to sublet-transfer and convey the property to a third and in some cases a 4th Party.
Generic Contracts, YUCH !!! I would recommend that you never use a generic contract! If, however, you choose to do so, have it reviewed by a competent attorney who is either a real estate investor or who specializes in real estate law. (Sorry, it’s the Perry Mason in me!) Better yet have him design an agreement that meets with your needs, expectations and of course, PROTECTS YOU.
P.S. Without sounding too legalistic make sure your agreement also includes-Indemnification-disclaimer-notification and Force Majeure clauses too. There are several other clauses that can be also included to maximize your profits and decrease your expenses. Give me a call and we can discuss
Free Newsletter-The Lease Purchase Times © just call 800 324 4652 or go to
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Ten Commandments of Lease Purchasing!
The one thing I can’t stand about my Guru competition is their lack of humor. If you don’t believe me then ask fictitious character Johnny t. gReed . If we have half the financial success and dream life that we are talking about, then a little self deprecating humor should be easy to swallow. (May I have an Amen, please?)
It is in that spirit that I had the above picture made. I figured it was time that we Lease Purchase Real Estate Investors had our own set of simple and common sense commandments. What follows is a set of rules for successful, innovative real estate investors to avoid costly mistakes, to increase profits and to give me a great title for another irreverent issue (11 years) of The Lease Purchase Times©. So here goes:
1. Thou shalt go into business to Make Money, have fun and feel great about thyself, otherwise just keep the job.
2. Tenants, Terlits, Evictions and Repairs are abominations and Thou shalt avoid them like the plague.
3. Thou shalt not kill your profits by overspending on unproductive marketing and stuff that collects dust.
4. Thou shalt no longer covet other investors’ crummy homes in yucky neighborhoods.
5. Thou shalt not steal a deal when the seller is willing to reasonably negotiate.
6. Thou shalt use Lease Purchasing to control, rather than own and have liability.
7. Thou shalt not use the name of the bank in vain when thou can become the bank.
8. Thou shalt learn about sales, marketing and negotiation.
9. Thou shalt have fun and feel great, while going to your bank.
10. Thou shalt take thine Profits and rest on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays & Mondays.
11. Thou will honor thy Mentor and thy Mentor shall honor you.
Moses Note: (Ok Ok, I know it’s supposed to only be 10, but one fell off the tablet on the way down the mountain!)
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Sales Strategies: How to use Video Calling to increase sales
Claude Diamond J.D. is the author of several Business Success Novels and Mentors select individuals in his principles of wealth, sales and Success. Give him a Call, he answers his own phone; really ! (619) 421 4121 or Skype him at: ClaudeDiamond
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
The Lease Purchase Solution
THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN CREATIVE REAL ESTATE DON’T OWN......... control by RENTING with Options !!!!! (free lease Purchase book -just call 970-281-5151)
The Lease Purchase Solution !
Such blasphemy! What kind of successful investor would advise anyone to rent instead of becoming an owner?
The answer: a smart one!
What if I showed you a way to profit in real estate without large cash deposits; not having to apply for bank loans, no overhead, no maintenance, no taxes, insurance or home owner fees to pay. You would probably say that that type of investment does not exist or that such an idea is the product of the author’s wild imagination.
Well, it’s time to learn about the best kept secret in real estate: it’s called Lease Purchasing, known also as ‘renting to own’ or ‘leasing with an option’. Anyone can control real estate that generates immediate profit and/or positive cash flow without having to become a real estate expert and with- out looking at hundreds of houses. If you know how to rent, then you can put together all kinds of profitable and cash generating transactions with just a telephone. Lease Purchasing allows you to create small and large deals without depending on the bank.
Why Lease Purchase?
Controlling real estate through Lease Purchasing, whether it’s for your own home or as an investment property, is by far the superior method of finance. Lease Purchasing helps to remove the traditional adversarial relationships that exist between buyer and seller and produces greater profits.
In most real estate transactions there is a natural tendency between the buyer and seller to try and beat each other up. One wants a lower price and the other wants a higher one. Not to mention all of the other items that have to be negotiated. Next come all of the difficulties associated with deposits, qualification, appraisals, title companies, lenders, escrows, lawyers, etc., etc. Lease Purchasing eliminates these problems and lets the buyer and seller have a win-win experience and get the deal done.
A Lease Purchase is a process where a rental agreement is combined with a purchase or more specifically, an option contract. Price, length of contract, escrow instructions, rent credit and other pertinent terms are all negotiated in advance. The tenant/buyer has a percentage of his rent credited to the down payment or off the price. In many cases, more money is being applied monthly, than an actual mortgage payment would be to the principle.
All the parties concerned can benefit by doing a Lease Purchase transaction. Let’s examine the advantages for the buyer, seller and investor.
From the Buyer’s Viewpoint:
Generally, this is a renter who can’t purchase a home through conventional means. This buyer does not have a large enough down payment for a bank loan, minor credit problems, a new job, high loan to debt ratio or other reasons that make a traditional purchase of a home impractical (impossible) at this time. The buyer is aware of the advantages of home ownership (tax shelter, appreciation, security, etc.) and is eager for a chance to get involved in a home of his own and get out of the rental rat race. Our buyer can lock in the future purchase price even though ownership may not transfer for a year or more. A percentage of the rent can be credited toward the downpayment or off the price. During the terms of the contract, the tenant/buyer has time to check out the house, neighborhood and to obtain the best financing.
From the Seller’s Perspective:
If you are a seller the best way to get top dollar would be to Lease Purchase your home. Since you are being flexible on your terms you are entitled to get your full asking price and a higher than average or premium rent for your property. When you find a prospective buyer/tenant you normally receive option consideration. This is a nonrefundable amount, that in many cases, can be several months rent. If and when the buyer wishes to utilize her option, then you will hopefully receive your capital profits when escrow closes. If the buyer, however, allows the option to expire you also win since you can begin the whole process all over again and either renegotiate the contract or find a new tenant. In either case, you receive more non-refundable option consideration for the same property. If the property sells, then you use some of your profits to reinvest in another house or take back a seasoned note. The potential for profit for the seller is fantastic since a well negotiated deal will always reap profits at every stage of the Lease Purchase.
From the Investor’s Viewpoint:
The Lease Purchase has everything an investor needs to make prudent, profitable investments in real estate. Utilizing very small down payments (1-2%), an investor can control properties that normally require 10-30% without utilizing a lender nor going through the loan application circus.
A good deal can generate profits three different ways:
1. Cash upfront with option consideration 2. Cash monthly (rent) 3. Cash at the close (or a first class note)
Other strategies involve the assigning or flipping of the optioned property to a third party or just being a consultant for the buyer and seller and retaining a portion of the option consideration.
Realtor/Broker Advantages
How about a way to make an upfront fee from a buyer who can’t qualify? Lease Purchasing enables you to consult with a buyer and still profit up front and at the close. Everyone has had potential buyers who, while making a good income, might have some trouble qualifying due to credit problems, downpayment, new employment, etc. By utilizing Lease Purchase strategies you can help your buyer get into a home quickly and be a hero to your seller.
1. High Cash Flow 2. No immediate need for bank qualifying 3. Retain full commission at close
4. Generate high volume of deals
5. New revenue source
5. New revenue source
6. More listings
In summary, controlling properties by renting with an option (Lease Purchasing) is the absolutely best way to be involved in controlling homes and obtaining great cash flow, high profits and minimum risk. Lease Purchasing can be the best way to create quick cash flow for the first time homeowner, the seasoned investor or the imaginative entrepreneur.
Want More Information ? Then read our free How To Manuel "The Lease Purchase 2010 Conversation" or call me , I answer my own phone (619) 421-4121-Claude Diamond
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Rich Dad poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki video from the CBC
Check out this investigative video from the Canadian Broadcasting system on Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki.
Free E-book on Lease Purchase Investing, just send us an email from the form below.
Free E-book on Lease Purchase Investing, just send us an email from the form below.
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